Orion Sales


Call us on 01285 861839


Properties We Have Sold

We are proud of the support and service that we provide to both our buyers and sellers. We are constantly receiving fantastic feedback which really shows that all of our hard work does pay off. You can take a look at some of the properties we have sold below and if you are in the market for a new holiday home and like what you see then why not get in touch and we can help you find your perfect new home away from home.

8 Isis Lake

20 Isis Lake

26 Isis Lake

29 Isis Lake

30 Isis Lake

recently sold property 34 Isis Lake

34 Isis Lake

43 Isis Lake

Recently Sold Property - 44 Isis Lake

44 Isis Lake

Recently Sold Property - 61 Isis Lake

61 Isis Lake

Recently Sold Property - 75 Isis Lake

75 Isis Lake

89 Isis Lake

91 Isis Lake

95 Isis Lake

21 Windrush Lake

42 Windrush Lake

66 Windrush Lake

70 Windrush Lake

87 Windrush Lake

48 Spring Lake

69 Spring Lake

02 Waters Edge

22 Spring Lake

03 Waters Edge

04 Waters Edge

Recently Sold Property - 15 Waters Edge

15 Waters Edge

16 Waters Edge

Recently Sold Property - 18 Waters Edge

18 Waters Edge

Recently Sold Property - 75 Isis Lake

1 The Water Gardens

17 Mill Village

27 Mill Village

28 Mill Village

Recently Sold Property - 32 Mill Village

32 Mill Village

44 Mill Village

Recently Sold Property - 46 Mill Village

46 Mill Village

47 Mill Village

58 Mill Village

63 Mill Village

81 Mill Village

31 Clearwater

47 Clearwater

48 Clearwater

50 Clearwater

58 Clearwater

Recently Sold Property - 66 Clearwater

66 Clearwater

67 Clearwater

74 Clearwater

82 Clearwater

86 Clearwater

15 Howells Mere

27 Howells Mere

Recently Sold Property - 44 Howells Mere

44 Howells Mere

recently sold property 48 howells mere

48 Howells Mere

recently sold property 113 howells mere

113 Howells Mere

Customer Feedback

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